If your air conditioner is running, but it seems too hot in your house, call an AC repair company to look at your equipment. You might be driving up your power bill by running your AC too much trying to stay cool. The issue could be in your condenser, air handler, or thermostat. Here's how an AC repair technician can pinpoint and repair a thermostat issue.
Signs Your Thermostat Is Bad
If your thermostat is bad, your AC may not turn on or shut off. It may run longer when it turns on, and your AC may be erratic. You might not be able to control your AC by making adjustments to the thermostat. If you take the cover off and look inside, you might see damaged wiring or corrosion on the metal ends.
Bad thermostat wiring can be a problem too since the AC problems might be intermittent and more difficult to diagnose. The wiring from the thermostat goes to the condenser to signal it to turn on. Wiring also goes to the control board in your air handler, and if the wiring is damaged, the thermostat may not be able to send the signals that make your AC operate properly.
Tests An AC Repair Technician May Do
The repair technician may start by checking the error codes on the air handler. The codes can narrow down the point where the wiring or thermostat is malfunctioning. The technician can use a multimeter to determine the point where a particular part is losing power. They can also test the inside of the thermostat to determine if the thermostat is in good shape or if the wiring or entire thermostat needs to be replaced.
Repairs May Require A New Thermostat
If your thermostat is bad or corroded, you may need to get a new one. The AC repair technician may be able to help. They can match the new thermostat with your AC equipment to ensure they are compatible. The technician can also help you decide if you're ready for a smart thermostat, and explain the advantages of upgrading if you need a new thermostat anyway. Installing a new thermostat involves disconnecting and removing the old thermostat. The wiring from the thermostat goes behind the wall to the air handler. If the wire is in good shape, the same one can be used to wire the new thermostat. If the wiring is nicked or corroded, the AC repair technician may want to disconnect it from the control board and replace it with a new wire. Once the thermostat has been wired, the technician can adjust the settings and watch the thermostat go through a cycle to make sure it turns the AC on and off as it should.
For more information, contact an AC repair company.