Tips to Make Sure Your Furnace Is Doing Great at Midwinter

With record cold temperatures hitting portions of the nation, many people are depending heavily upon their furnaces to keep them warm and snug. While most people take time to check their furnace over either in the spring when they shut it down or in fall before firing it back up, most don't pay the furnace any special attention in the thick of the heating season. Unfortunately, this could be a recipe for disaster. After running consistently for a couple of months, issues can start to surface. These issues can cause your furnace to break down right when temperatures are lowest and you need it most. The following guide can help you complete a mid-season check on your furnace's operation.

1. Spend some time near the furnace

If your main furnace unit is placed well away from your main living areas, such as down in a basement, then go sit with the furnace through a full heating cycle. Pay attention to the noises and behavior of the furnace. If you notice whining, squeals and squeaks, shaking, or anything else that seems outside of the norm, you need to have an HVAC professional come out to find the cause of the issue as soon as possible.

2. Don't forget the filter

It's easy to remember to change the furnace filter when you first turn it on, but by midwinter, these tasks often fall to the side. While sitting with the furnace, make some time to change out the filter. This helps prevent breakdowns and also helps your furnace heat better and more efficiently. Ideally, you should change the filter monthly if you have pets or live in a dusty area. Otherwise, you should change it every one to two months if you don't.

3. Make sure everything is unobstructed

A lot of holidays are packed into a short period of time in winter, and these holidays can be quite involved when it comes to decor and moving furniture. Around midwinter, after the bulk of the holidays have passed, walk through your home and make sure everything got moved back to where it belongs. Verify that the heating register and return vents are open and unobstructed by furniture or other items. Too many obstructed vents not only reduces the heat in your home, it can also put stress on your furnace. Also, make sure no boxes were stacked too close to the furnace when things were put away, especially if the furnace shares a storage area in the basement or in a closet.

For more help, contact a furnace installation and repair service in your area.

About Me

Remaining Comfortable In Your Home after Completing a Major Renovation

In a few, short months, my spouse and I will begin the construction process to build a much needed addition onto our small home. The addition will include a den and a master suite. But because our home will be much larger after the building process is complete, we will need to update our HVAC system. After speaking with our knowledgeable HVAC contractor, we’ve decided to purchase a second heating and air conditioning unit for our home. This additional unit will be considerably smaller than our current one. It will only heat and cool the new addition to our house. On this blog, I hope you will discover the best options for heating and cooling a home after building an addition onto it.

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