Replacing Your AC System? 2 Imperative Questions To Ask Your Contractor

The ability to remain comfortable inside your home even though temperatures are incredibly high outdoors is the main benefit of a functioning air conditioning system. However, your AC system is also important for maintaining healthy air quality. 

Unfortunately, this innovative equipment is not meant to last forever, so there will be a time when replacing it will be necessary. Considering it is a big and imperative investment, asking questions before choosing one system is key. Here are a few questions you must ask your contractor before replacing your AC system.

1. Will you Perform a Load Calculation?

Many contractors will replace old air conditioner units with new units of the same capacity, but that is not necessarily smart. Or, your contractor may suggest a larger unit to improve the system's efficiency, but bigger is not always better. Therefore, your contractor should perform a load calculation to determine what size unit is right for your home and climate.

A load calculation uses your home's square footage, floor plan, and local climate to determine what tonnage your system should be for the most effective and energy efficient cooling possible. Without this calculation, contractors may install a unit that is too small or too large.

Systems that are too small may be more affordable, but they may not be able to reach your desired temperature when cooling the home. This wastes energy, stresses out the system, and increases your cooling costs.

Systems that are too large may be more efficient, but they are known to short cycle or cut off. Short cycling prevents your system from cooling long enough to pull both the heat and humidity out of the air inside your home.

2. Are you Replacing Ductwork, Too?

There are many components to your air conditioner system that should be addressed during the replacement. In many cases, replacing the actual unit is sufficient if you are struggling to cool your home. However, replacing your ductwork may also be necessary.

Make sure your contractors inspect the ductwork for signs of distress. Holes, tears, and even worn seams are responsible for a great deal of air loss, which will prevent your old and new system from moving cooled air into your home.

Although an added expense, replacing the ductwork may be a smart investment.

Understanding the different sizes and components of your air conditioning system is smart before the replacement begins. These questions will help you open up communication with your contractor, ensuring the replacement is a good investment for your home, health, and finances. For more information, contact your local air conditioning installation service. 

About Me

Remaining Comfortable In Your Home after Completing a Major Renovation

In a few, short months, my spouse and I will begin the construction process to build a much needed addition onto our small home. The addition will include a den and a master suite. But because our home will be much larger after the building process is complete, we will need to update our HVAC system. After speaking with our knowledgeable HVAC contractor, we’ve decided to purchase a second heating and air conditioning unit for our home. This additional unit will be considerably smaller than our current one. It will only heat and cool the new addition to our house. On this blog, I hope you will discover the best options for heating and cooling a home after building an addition onto it.

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