Even if you like to try to tackle as many home repair tasks as you can, there might come a time when you really do need a professional to help you out. Such instances include when you have a serious plumbing issue in the house. Still not sure if this is something that you can continue to try to fix on your own or if you need a professional to tend to it? Keep reading to find out more.
The Clog Just Won't Go Away
Simple clogs in sinks, toilets, or even in the shower are generally fine to be handled by the homeowner. However, if after plunging and using heavy duty clog removal chemicals you are still not able to break through the clog, it is time to call for reinforcements. A reputable and experienced plumber will be able to send a mini camera through your drain lines in order to get a close up look of the clog. This can help him or her understand the seriousness of the clog, or to find out if there is anything something else going on, such as a compressed or broken pipe that is causing clogs to reappear quickly. Your plumber will then be able to explain what needs done to resolve the problem.
You Can't Get The Small Leak To Stop
If you have tried everything that you can think of and you are still stuck with a small leak in one of your pipes, it is not something that you can ignore. Never make the mistake of assuming that this is not an issue because it is not a large amount of water coming through the pipes. The fact is, any water is too much water. Not only does it only take a little bit of water to create structural damage and an environment ideal for mold growth, but you never know when the leak can get a lot worse. You do not want to come home after a long day of work to find that your basement is flooded because the pipe finally completely broke and water has been pouring out all day. Call a plumber and have him or her replace that section of pipe and examine the rest of the pipes as well.
During your search for a skilled professional who provides plumbing repair services, you will want to check out their reputation in your area. If they have a sour reputation, you need to wonder why. It could be that they are not yet as experienced as the plumbers with the better reputation. Since you want to ensure that the repairs made will stand up to the test of time, you want to be very careful with who you end up hiring for the work. Contact a company, like Dale & Lee's Service Inc, for more help.